Writing Vim plugins often calls for writing custom functions. Luckily, vimscript lets us do this. Functions in vimscript are capable of most things you would expect: they can operate on parameters, can produce side effects, and can return values. Vimscript even supports writing higher-order functions. To use them safely and effectively in our plugin scripts, however, we have to know how to organize them. If we are not careful, for example, we can easily start redefining other plugins’ functions. In this post, we will tackle basic vimscript function syntax and also vimscript’s rudimentary support for writing modular plugin code, which lets us safely limit a function’s scope.

Basic syntax

Here is the basic vimscript function syntax (see :help function and :help user-functions):

function[!] {name}([arguments])

The function’s name, the {name}, must start with a capital letter (or an s:–which we will get to in the next section). Vim’s manual explains that the capital letter restriction prevents confusion with built-in functions, which start with lowercase letters.

The body of the function, the {commands}, are a sequence of “Ex commands.” These are the commands you enter in normal mode by first typing :–the manual will sometimes even refer to them as “colon commands,” and in this post we do too. In a function body you can omit the colons.

When Vim loads a plugin script, any functions declared with the optional ! will overwrite (or rather redefine) any previous same-named function within scope. (More on this in a moment.)

Within the plugin context

Plugins extend Vim’s functionality through custom key-mappings and custom colon commands (among other things). The simplest plugins are the .vim script files we place in the directory /home/.vim/plugin (if you are on a Unix machine). When Vim loads, it looks in the this directory and sources any .vim files it finds. When Vim finishes sourcing our plugin files, any functions we defined that follow the basic syntax given in the last section become attached to the global scope, and they can be invoked using the :call command. (Of course, it is unlikely you will call functions this way. It is more useful to call functions as part of some custom key mapping or custom colon command.)

If you have used other scripting languages, Vim’s sourcing process should sound familiar. In JavaScript, for example, when a browser loads a script file, any functions (or variables) declared outside of another function scope get attached to the global scope (i.e., the browser’s window object). Also, like vimscript, JavaScript’s function names refer to the function declaration that used the name last. For example, the following bit of valid JavaScript outputs Hola.

function sayHello() {

// Same name? Not a problem. Sayonara, previous definition.
function sayHello() {

sayHello(); // Outputs "Hola"

Another example is the Python REPL’s execfile function, which sources a given script, also with similar side effects to Vim’s model. Name collisions among different scripts’ functions is an obvious problem in this sourcing process, but vimscript does provide a few mechanisms for dealing with it.

The s: scope annotation

First, we can declare functions using the s: scope annotation. This limits a function’s scope to the file that declares it. An s:-scoped function can be used anywhere within the file but not without. For example, in the following mini-plugin all functions have been marked with s: and are only available within the DoMyHw.vim file. This is good since s:gcd in particular is so generically named that some other script may define such a function and break our plugin (or we there’s).

" Contents of /home/.vim/plugin/DoMyHw.vim

function! s:solveGcdExpression()
        " Note: cursor is at the end of the expression after marking limits
        call s:markExpressionLimits()
        echom "The cursor is not on a GCD expression"

    " `` moves cursor to the start of the expression
    normal v``y
    let l:expression = @"

    let [l:a, l:b] = matchlist(l:expression, s:EXP_BODY_PATTERN)[1:2]

    let l:answerString = " = " . s:gcd(l:a, l:b)

    " `` moves cursor to the end of the expression
    exec "normal ``a" . l:answerString . "\<ESC>"

function! s:markExpressionLimits()
    let l:notOnExpression = "ERROR: Cursor not on a gcd expression"

    if (search(s:EXP_PREFIX_PATTERN, "sbc", line(".")) == 0)
        throw l:notOnExpression

    if (search(s:EXP_PATTERN, "se", line(".")) == 0)
        throw l:notOnExpression

let s:EXP_PREFIX_PATTERN = '\(gcd(\|(\)'
let s:EXP_BODY_PATTERN = '\s*\(\d\+\)\s*,\s*\(\d\+\)\s*)'

function! s:gcd(m, n)
    let [l:max, l:min] = sort([a:m, a:n], {a, b -> b - a})
    if l:min == 0
        return l:max
        return s:gcd(l:min, l:max % l:min)

" Public commands

command! SolveGcd :call s:solveGcdExpression()
nnoremap <Leader>sg :SolveGcd<CR>

In some sense .vim files act as modules where the file provides encapsulation and where the global declarations are the module exports.

Autoload scripts

The second mechanism for avoiding name collisions are “autoload” scripts. These are scripts that we have placed in /home/.vim/autoload. Public functions in autoload scripts have the syntax:

function[!] {filepath}#{name}([arguments])

Notice we have the original function syntax with the addition of the {filepath}# prefix. The {filepath} indicates the path to the script declaring the function relative to the /home/.vim/autoload directory. The syntax for the path uses # as directory separators instead of slashes. Also, we drop the script’s .vim extension in the file path.

When Vim encounters a function of this form, it finds and sources the file /home/.vim/autload{filepath}.vim, replacing the #s in {filepath} with /s. Thus, we avoid namespace collisions by having unique {filepath} prefixes.

These autload requirements functions are best understood by example. Below, is the result of moving s:gcd to the autoload script intmath.vim.

" Contents of /home/.vim/autoload/intmath.vim

function! intmath#gcd(m, n)
    let [l:max, l:min] = sort([a:m, a:n], {a, b -> b - a})
    if l:min == 0
        return l:max
        return intmath#gcd(l:min, l:max % l:min)

This function is now called in the original DoMyHw.vim using the full name intmath#gcd. (Note that ... indicates sections of omitted code.)

" Contents of /home/.vim/plugin/DoMyHw.vim

function! s:solveGcdExpression()
    let l:answerString = " = " . intmath#gcd(l:a, l:b)


" Public commands

command! SolveGcd :call s:solveGcdExpression()
nnoremap <Leader>sg :SolveGcd<CR>

Note that the relative path to intmath.vim under /home/.vim/autoload is simply intmath.vim, so the function prefix is intmath#. If intmath.vim would have been located at /home/.vim/autoload/mymath/intfuncs.vim, then our prefix would have been mymath#intfuncs#, and we woud have called the function using mymath#intfuncs#gcd.

This file-path-prefix scheme is roughly analogous to Java’s package system minus the use of import statements. Java package names correspond to a file path. Without import statements, we would have to refer to each function and class in Java by its fully qualified package name. Thinking of autoload script’s in terms Java’s package system, we can view Vim autoload scripts as “packages,” and we call functions from these packages using their fully qualified name.

Vimscript functions are a good way to decompose plugin functionality. Like in other scripting languages, sourcing vimscript presents some namespacing issues, but hopefully this post has shown how vimscript’s scoping and autoload constructs help us modularize our code and keep the global namespace unpolluted. At this point, it might be worth checking out the source code for some nontrivial Vim plugins such as Tim Pope’s git plugin fugitive or Yosuke Kurami’s TypeScript plugin tsuquyomi to see how this is done at scale. Notice in particular how fugutive opts for a monolithic pugin file using the s: annotation where tsuquyomi uses autoload scripts.